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Who are we ?

OLYMPE is a 360 communication agency, it offers services like projects.

Our concept? 

As its name suggests, I consider OLYMPE as a place bringing together many talents: graphic designers, video and photo experts, strategists. communications and marketing. 

In his head?

I, Suzanne, want to make this self-employed company an agency where my collaborators can express their creativity and their ambition in various sectors of communication without staying in a specific area.

My right arm ?

Juline Cosme, a quality coordinator with whom I work on various projects, including the podcast of thekolok

Moi, Suzanne, je souhaite faire de cette auto-entreprise une agence où mes collaboreateurs puissent exprimer leur créativité et leur ambition dans divers secteurs de la communication sans rester dans un domaine précis.

Juline Cosme, une coordinatrice de qualité avec qui je travaille sur divers projets, dont le podcast de la Kolok

Juline Cosmo

Coordinator, manager of the Event department

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Agency Director

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